
Sunday 27 January 2013

Hongkong Style Egg Tarts

These Egg Tarts were first introduced in Hongkong and are popular in most Asian countries.  They can be found in bakeries and dim sum restaurants.  These are my favourite and they taste really good!

Crust Ingredients (yields about 24 tarts):
125 g soft butter
60 g castor sugar
1 egg, to be lightly beaten
230 g plain flour, to be sieved

Filling Ingredients:
80 g castor sugar
150 ml hot or warm water
100 ml evaporated milk
2 eggs, to be lightly beaten
1/2 tsp vanilla essence (liquid)

Whisk butter and sugar together until creamy.  Add in beaten egg and mix well on low speed.  Then, add in sieved flour and knead into a pliable dough.

Roll out dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm thickness.  By using a tart tin, cut out dough.  Place dough in tart tin and lightly press dough from centre outwards to line the whole tart tin.  Repeat until all cake tins are lined with dough.

Dissolve sugar in hot or warm water and leave aside to cool down.  In a small bowl, whisk egg and evaporated milk together until well combined.  Add in the sugar/water mixture and vanilla essence. Mix thoroughly.  Pour mixture through a sieve into a small jug.

Arrange the tart tins on a baking tray and pour custard filling into each of them.  Place baking tray on the lowest rack in a preheated oven at 200° C (conventional - without fan).  Bake for about 15 minutes or until the edges are lightly browned.

It is important to stay by the oven and keep an eye on the tarts.  When the custard filling starts to get puffed up, pull the oven door open and leave the door about 6 cm ajar.

Reduce oven heat to 180° C and bake further for another 10 minutes or until the custard is set. Check by inserting a thin toothpick into the custard.  If it comes out clean or able to stand on its own, the egg tarts are ready. If not, bake further for another 5 minutes.

Once ready, leave to cool.  Remove egg tarts from their tins and place each tart in a baking case before serving.

Happy Baking!


Murtabak is a stuffed pan-fried bread (prata dough) which is very popular in Singapore and Malaysia. One can order them in any indian muslim restaurants or stalls.  Murtabaks are normally served with curry and cucumber/onion pickle.  The stuffing is made of minced meat (beef or mutton), onions and eggs.

Ingredients (serves 6 persons):
470 g plain flour, to be sieved
1 tsp (heaped) sugar
225 ml water
15 g condensed milk
1/2 tsp salt
15 g clarified butter or melted ghee
1/2 egg white

Note:  Above dough ingredients yield 6 murtabaks

Stuffing Ingredients:
250 g minced beef or mutton, to be pan-fried with 1/2 tsp curry powder
2 big onions, to be peeled and diced
2 eggs, to be lightly beaten

cooking oil

In a bowl, mix together water, sugar, condensed milk, salt, clarified butter and egg white.  Lastly, add in flour and knead until the dough is pliable.  Cover dough with a damp cloth and leave aside for one hour.

Divide dough into 6 balls.  Coat them with clarified butter and let them rest for about 2 to 3 hours (better overnight) before flipping them.

Flatten the dough ball on a greased worktop by making sure the middle is thick and the outside edge is thin.  Flip the dough by using one hand as a pivot.  Spread the thin dough out and sprinkle some oil.  Then, add some beaten eggs, cubed onion and minced beef.  Fold into a parcel and fry on a hot girdle until it is browned on both sides.

Serve with Beef or Mutton Keema and Cucumber/Onion Pickle.

Beef or Mutton Keema
250 g minced beef or mutton
3 tbsp meat curry powder

1 big onion, to be peeled and diced
3 big potatoes, to be peeled and diced
2 carrots, to be peeled and diced
peas (optional)
note:  some recipes call for diced tomatoes but I do not use them in this recipe
enough water
4 tbsp cooking oil

Pounded Ingredients:
1.5 cm fresh ginger, to be sliced
2 cloves of garlic, to be sliced

Stir-fry Ingredients:
1/2 big onion, to be finely sliced
3 pcs cardamon
a cinnamon stick, about 4 cm long
4 pcs cloves

In a bowl, mix together minced meat, pounded ingredients, curry powder and about 2 tbsp water. Leave aside.

Heat oil in a medium-size pot and add the stir-fry ingredients.  Fry until the onions are lightly browned.  Add in the minced meat mixture and fry until fragrant.  Then, add in cubed potatoes, carrots and enough water.  Cook over medium heat until they are tender.

Then, add in cubed onions, peas and tomatoes (if using).  Cook for a further 10 minutes.  Once ready, remove from heat.

Serve with murtabak, roti prata or capati.

Cucumber/Onion Pickle
1/2 cucumber, to be halved and thinly sliced
2 big onions, to be thinly sliced
3 tbsp white vinegar
3 tsp sugar
2 tbsp tomato ketchup

In a bowl, mix together all ingredients and leave aside for a few hours.

Bon Appetit!

Laksa Lemak (Nonya Laksa)

Nonya laksa is a spicy noodle dish which originates from the Peranakan culture (a mix of malay & chinese) and is very popular in Singapore in Malaysia.  This dish is also known as Laksa Lemak. There are various types of laksa available and I will post them as and when I prepare them.  For this dish, I am using my late grandmother's recipe who herself was a mixture of chinese, malay and japanese. Kindly note that one can adjust the consistency of the gravy to one's liking.

Ingredients (serves 4 persons):

Spices to blended or pounded:
1 medium onion, to be sliced        
2 pips garlic, to be sliced
a small piece (or 1 tsp) belacan (shrimp paste)
5 slices lengkuas, to be skinned and sliced
5 pieces candlenuts (buah keras), to be soaked in hot or warm water
5 stalks dried red chillies, to be cut in 1 cm strips and to be soaked in hot or warm water
3 cm fresh turmeric, to be skinned and sliced (or ½ tsp turmeric powder)
2 lemongrass, to be sliced
40 g dried prawns, to be soaked in hot or warm water
5 stalks fresh red chillies, to be unseeded and sliced (depends on the hotness of the chillies)

1 tin (400 ml) coconut milk
2 cubes chicken stock
1 litre water or enough water to reach one's preference of consistency
salt to taste
a few stalks of laksa leaves, to be plucked
2 tsp sugar
300 g fresh prawns (without shells) or frozen raw prawns
300 g spaghetti or yellow noodle, to be cooked according to packet instructions

cucumber (optional), to be shredded finely
soya beansprouts, tails to be removed
fishballs (frozen and thawed), to be cooked in boiling water shortly and left whole or sliced
dried tofu, to be cut into cubes (note:  I was unable to buy any - instead, I deep-fry some tofu)
4 hard-boiled eggs, to be halved
laksa leaves

Add 2 tsp sugar to fresh prawns (or thawed frozen prawns) and put aside.  Heat 4 tbsp oil in a pot and fry pounded (blended) ingredients until fragrant.  Add a little laksa leaves.

Then add water and chicken stock and bring to a slight simmer.  If needed, more water can be added.  Add coconut milk and reduce heat.  Season with salt to taste.  Simmer gravy over low heat until oil can be seen on the surface.

Heat a little oil in a small pan and stir-fry the prawns until they change colour.  Remove to a plate. Once the gravy is ready, add the fried tofu, fishballs, prawns and some laksa leaves.  Let it simmer before removing from heat.

To serve, add a portion of noodles in a bowl.  Then, add some beansprouts and shredded cucumber (optional).  Pour gravy over noodles and garnish with one half of hard-boiled egg.

Bon Appetit!

Friday 25 January 2013

Jemput-jemput Roti

Another way of using up old white bread or toast is to make this simple malay snack which is normally served with any chilli sauce.

8 slices of white bread or toast
3 eggs
2 tbsp cornflour
1 cup (250 ml capacity) water
salt and pepper to taste

party gambas prawns or any other prawns
chopped spring onions or chopped onions
1 stalk of red chillie, to be finely chopped or sliced
oil for deep frying

Break up bread slices into a bowl and add water.  Leave aside for about 5 minutes.  By using a wooden spoon, mix thoroughly by making sure that the bread slices are all soaked through.

Add in eggs and stir well.  Then, add cornflour and season with salt & pepper to taste.  Mix thoroughly.  If the mixture is too wet, add a little cornflour and if the mixture is too dry, add a little water.

Add in chopped chillie and spring onions.  Mix well before adding the prawns.  Stir well.  Heat up oil in a wok over medium heat.  By using two tablespoons, spoon out a small portion of mixture and add to the hot oil.  Deep-fry until golden brown.  Remove by using tongs or slotted spoon to a tray which is lined with pergament paper.

Serve hot or cold with any chilli sauce.

Bon Appetit!

Bread & Butter Pudding

Here is a simple and inexpensive way to use old white bread or toast.  It can be served hot or cold as it is or with vanilla sauce/custard or canned fruit and cream.

7 - 9 slices of white bread or toast (depending on the size of your baking dish)
60 g butter
4 eggs
1/2 cup (250 ml capacity) sugar
3 cups fresh milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 cup raisins or sultanas
ground cinnamon (optional)

Butter each slice of bread and trim the crusts.  Then, cut into 4 triangles.  Arrange the triangles in 2 rows, butter side up, slightly overlapping each other in a buttered ovenproof dish (24 cm x 19 cm or 8 cup capacity).  Then, place another row of triangles on top in the opposite direction.  Sprinkle some raisins in between the bread slices as you go along.

In a bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, vanilla essence and milk together.  Pour half of custard mixture over the bread triangles and leave aside for about 10 minutes.  This is to ensure that the bread triangles are soaked through and will not "float" during baking.

Whisk remaining custard mixture again and pour over bread triangles.  If you wish, you may sprinkle ground cinnamon on top before baking.  Stand dish in a deep baking tray, with enough boiling water to come halfway up the side of dish.  Bake uncovered in a moderately slow oven (160° C) for about 50 minutes or until custard is set.

Happy Baking!

Saturday 19 January 2013


Schmandkuchen, literally translated - Sourcream Cake is a typical german cake.  There are several types of Schmandkuchen but ours is prepared with canned mandarin oranges and topped with fruit juice glaze.  This recipe was handed to me by my sister-in-law and it should be baked one day before serving.

Crust Ingredients:
200 g flour
100 g sugar
100 g butter
1 egg

Filling Ingredients:
3 cups (à 200 g) Schmand (sour cream)
1 packet Vanilla Pudding powder (from Dr Oetker) or any other brands (for 500 ml milk)
500 ml fresh milk
4 tbsp sugar
2 small cans (à 300 g) mandarin oranges, to be strained in a sieve and juice to be saved for later use

1 pkt Tortenguß (klar), (or one can use 15 g white agar-agar powder instead of gelatine)
250 ml juice from canned mandarin oranges
2 tbsp sugar

Knead all the crust ingredients together and form into a pliable dough.  Line a 26 cm diameter springform with dough, bringing it halfway up the sides.

Cook pudding as indicated on the packet instructions (normally 2 tbsp sugar is indicated on the packet but one needs to add 4 tbsp sugar) and then transfer into a bowl in order that it can cool down faster.  

Add Schmand and mix well.  Pour filling into form and arrange the mandarin oranges on top (see photo below).  Bake in a preheated fan oven (160ºC) for one hour.  Cool the cake completely while still in the springform.

Prepare Tortenguß  according to packet instructions using the juice of the mandarin oranges:  Mix Tortenguß powder (or 15 g agar-agar powder) with 250 ml juice and sugar together in a pot.  Mix well and cook over medium heat.  Bring mixture to a light boil and stirring all the time.  It is important to keep stirring or else lumps will form.  Let it cool down for one minute before pouring onto a tablespoon which is held above the centre of the cake.  The glaze will spread over the top of the cake by itself.

If one is unable to buy Tortenguß or agar-agar, an alternative glaze can be prepared as follows:

250 ml juice from canned mandarin oranges
2 tbsp sugar
3 - 4 tbsp cornflour

Bring juice and sugar in a pot to a boil.  In the meantime, mix cornflour with a little water until there are no lumps.  Once juice mixture boils, add the cornflour/water mixture and stir well.  Let it boil for one minute and keep stirring.  Remove from heat and pour mixture on the centre of cake.  Leave to cool in springform completely overnight.

Note:  It is best if the cake is baked one day before serving in order the filling can set.

Happy Baking!

Thursday 17 January 2013

Spaghetti Bolognese (German-style)

Spaghetti Bolognese is a popular italian dish and I am sure everyone have eaten it before.  But for this particular recipe which was given to me by my sister-in-law, I named it the german-style due to the use of a certain Maggi instant product.  I love the taste of this dish and it is totally different from the italian version.

Ingredients (serves 4 persons):
350 g spaghetti, to be cooked according to packet instructions
350 g minced beef
1 can (à 400 ml) chopped tomatoes

3 medium-size carrots, to be peeled and cut into fine cubes
1 small piece root celery, to be peeled and cut into fine cubes
1 big onion, to be peeled and cut into fine cubes
2 cloves of garlic, to be peeled and cut into fine cubes

1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tsp dried italian herbs i.e. from Schuhbeck
1 box Maggi Soße zu Braten (roast sauce)
salt and pepper to taste
olive oil
freshly grated parmesan cheese

Heat olive oil in a pot over medium heat and add cubed onion and garlic.  Do not let the garlic turn brown or else your gravy will have a bitter taste.

Then, add in minced beef and cook until meat changes colour.  Add in cubed carrot, celery and tomato puree.  Stir well and cook for 5 minutes before adding the chopped tomatoes.  Then, add italian herbs, salt and pepper to taste.  Let it simmer covered over slow to medium heat for about another 15 minutes.

Lastly, add in the instant roast sauce and stir well.  Let it simmer covered for another 15 minutes. Check seasoning.  Pour over spaghetti and sprinkle freshly grated parmesan cheese over top before serving.

Bon Appetit! 

Saturday 12 January 2013


Lontong are compressed rice cakes and are served with Kuah Lodeh (which contains vegetables, tofu and tempeh in coconut gravy), Coconut Serunding (Coconut Floss) and Sambal Tumis (Fried Sambal).  This snack or main meal is very popular in Malaysia and Singapore.  During the Eid celebrations, Beef Rendang, Sambal Goreng Pengantin and Fried Chicken are also served as accompaniments.  These recipes belong to my dear mum and serves 4 to 6 persons.

Kuah Lodeh (Coconut Gravy)

1 block tofu (or 2 pcs), to be cut into large cubes
1 block tempeh (or 3 pcs), to be cut into large cubes
2 handfuls of shredded cabbage

1 cm galangal (lengkuas), to be peeled and crushed
1 pce lemon grass (serai), to be crushed
2 bay leaves (daun salam)

1 tsp (level) sugar
1 tsp aji-no-moto (optional) note:  I omitted this ingredient
2 cans (à 400 ml) coconut milk
some cooking oil

Blended Ingredients:
2 pcs candlenuts (buah keras), to be soaked in warm water
3 stalks fresh red chillies, to be sliced
1 1/2 tbsp dried prawns, to be soaked in warm water
1 cm fresh turmeric, to be peeled and sliced
1 big onion (or 4 shallots), to be peeled and sliced
1 clove garlic, to be peeled and sliced
1/4 tsp coriander seeds (ketumbar biji), to be soaked in warm water
1/4 tsp fennel seeds (jintan manis), to be soaked in warm water
1/4 tsp aniseed (jintan putih), to be soaked in warm water

In a big pot, heat enough oil over medium heat.  Add in the blended ingredients, galangal, lemon grass, bay leaves, coconut milk and bring to a light boil.  Then, add in tofu, tempeh and shredded cabbage.  Cook further until cabbage is almost cooked.  Check seasoning.

Serunding is normally served together with Lontong.  It can also be used as a filling for savoury malay kuihs or snacks.  One can use dessicated coconut or fresh coconut but the latter is better because of its fresh tangy taste.

1 fresh coconut (or 200 g dessicated coconut), to be skinned and grated
1 tbsp fresh tamarind, to be mixed with a little water
salt and sugar to taste
some palm sugar
cooking oil

Blended Ingredients:
2 stalks dried chillies, to be cut into pieces and soaked in warm water
2.5 cm fresh turmeric, to be peeled and sliced
2.5 cm galangal, to be peeled and sliced
2 pcs lemon grass (fat ones), to be sliced
5 cloves of garlic, to be peeled and sliced
2 big onions, to be peeled and sliced
1 tbsp coriander seeds, to be soaked in warm water
1 tsp fennel seeds, to be soaked in warm water
1 tsp aniseed, to be soaked in warm water

Fry freshly grated coconut (or dessicated coconut) in a wok without oil until dry. Remove and leave aside.

Heat oil in wok and add the blended ingredients.  Stir-fry until fragrant.  Then, add in tamarind juice, sugar, palm sugar and salt to taste.  Bring to a simmer.  Then, add in dried coconut and reduce heat.  Mix thoroughly and cook until almost dry.  Remove from heat and leave aside.

Sambal Tumis

1 tbsp fresh tamarind, to be mixed with a little water
1 tsp aji-no-moto (optional) note:  I omitted this ingredient
salt and sugar to taste

Variations:  Sambal Tumis can be served with boiled eggs, fried anchovies or prawns.  The latter are to be cooked together with the sambal.

Blended Ingredients:
40 stalks dried chillies, to be cut into pieces and soaked in warm water
5 stalks fresh chillies, to be sliced
1 big onion, to be peeled and sliced
1 tsp shrimp paste (belacan)

Heat some oil in a wok and add in the blended ingredients.  Stir-fry over medium heat until fragrant. Add in sugar and stir-fry until mixture caramelizes and thicken.  Then, add in enough tamarind juice and let it simmer until the colour darkens. By cooking it longer will intensify the colour.  Check seasoning. Once done, remove from heat and leave aside.  Please note that garlic is not used in this recipe at all.  This is to avoid the sambal having a bitter taste.

Rice Cakes

I prepared these by using rice in plastic bags which are easily found in supermarkets. Each supermarket has its own house brand which is much cheaper compared to branded ones.  One packet contains 4 rice bags will cost around 54 Euro cents.

Place rice bags in a big pot.  Add enough water to cover and add about 1 tbsp salt. Bring to boil. Once boiling, cover pot and reduce heat to medium.  Cook slowly for about a minimum of 2 hours, occasionally checking the level of water.  Always add hot water instead of cold water.  Once cooked, remove rice bags and transfer to a colander over a bowl.  Leave to cool down completely before storing in the fridge overnight.  By doing so, the rice will become compact and it will be easier to cut into serving slices.

Before serving, remove rice bags from fridge and leave at room temperature.  Cut rice cakes as shown in the photo below:

Bon Appetit!

Sambal Goreng Pengantin

This dish is normally served during malay weddings and got its name "Pengantin" which literally means wedding couple.  It has a unique taste which comes from the various spices needed to make this dish.  It is a bit time consuming but the results are worthwhile!

Ingredients (serves 6 persons):
1 block tofu (or 2 pcs), to be cubed and fried
1 block tempeh (4 pcs), to be cubed and fried
300 g chicken liver, to be cooked with water for a while in order that the liver can be cut into cubes
300 g prawns, to be cooked shortly in boiling water and shelled
a pinch fresh tamarind to be mixed with a little water and strained (save juice)
1 tsp shrimp paste (belacan) to be mixed with a little water and strained (save juice)
2 tins (à 400 g) coconut milk
salt and sugar to taste

Stir-fry Ingredients:
20 stalks dried chillies, to be finely cut by using a scissor
3 tbsp (heaped) garlic, to be finely sliced
3 tbsp (heaped) galangal, to be finely sliced and cut into sticks
3 tbsp (heaped) ginger, to be finely sliced and cut into sticks
4 pcs lemon grass, to be finely sliced
2 big onions, to be quartered and finely sliced

Heat oil in a wok and add the stir-fry ingredients.  Cook until fragrant.  Then, add in shrimp paste "juice" and stir-fry until fragrant.  Add in fried tahu, fried tempeh, tamarind juice and coconut milk. Check seasoning and cook further until oil starts to ooze out.  Add in beef liver and prawns.

Serve with any kind of rice.

Bon Appetit!

Beef Rendang

Rendang is a traditional indonesian dish of both Minangkabau and Padang origin.  Each ethnic group has its own way of cooking it.  Rendang is also very popular in Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. This authentic dish is rich with spices and coconut milk.

Ingredients (serves 4 persons):
1 kg beef (top side or chuck), to be cut into bite pieces

Ingredients to be pounded or blended:
10 stalks dried chillies, to be cut into pieces and soaked in warm water
8 shallots, to be peeled and sliced
4 tbsp (level) coriander seeds (ketumbar biji), to be soaked in warm water
1/2 tbsp fennel seeds (jintan manis), to be soaked in warm water
2 tbsp gerisik (Kerisik)
Note:  The bottled version can be bought at Geylang or you make your own by frying 2 tbsp grated coconut without oil in a small pan until dry and then to be pounded

1 pce lemon grass (serai), to be lightly crushed
2 cm galangal (lengkuas), to be lightly crushed
2 pcs kaffir lime leaves (daun limau purut)
1 pce turmeric leaf (daun kunyit)
1 can (400 ml) coconut milk

salt according to taste
2 tsp sugar


Add pounded ingredients and beef to a pot. Pour coconut milk and then add turmeric leaf, kaffir lime leaves, lemon grass, galangal, sugar and salt.

Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to medium and cook further uncovered until beef is tender. This will take about one hour and it depends on which cut of beef which you are using. I will normally use top side or chuck.

Once meat is tender, reduce heat to minimum and cook until gravy becomes thick. It is important to stir as much as possible in order that the bottom of the gravy does not get burn.

Serve with hot rice or rice cakes or lontong!

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Baked Pasta in Bolognese/Bechamel Sauce

Ragù al Forno is a traditional dish of Bologna, Italy.  The preparation is a bit time consuming because one needs to prepare the bolognese sauce, the bechamel sauce and noodles separately beforehand.  Most bolognese sauce recipes use pancetta which contributes to the flavour but our recipe below does not use it and the taste is equally delicious!

Ingredients (serves 2 to 3 persons):
250 g pasta i.e. penne, rigatoni, etc., to be cooked according to packet instructions
2 tbsp freshly grated parmesan cheese (topping)

Simple Bolognese Sauce

250 g minced beef
1 medium-size onion, to be finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, to be finely chopped
1 medium-size carrot, to be peeled and finely cubed
1 stalk celery (we use a small piece of celery root), to be peeled and finely cubed
1 bay leaf

40 g butter
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp tomato puree
150 ml beef stock
75 ml fresh milk
salt, pepper & grated nutmeg to taste

Heat butter and olive oil in a pot.  Add carrot, celery, onion, garlic and bay leaf to pot.  Stir-fry for about 5 minutes or until the vegetables are a bit soft.  Then, add in tomato puree and stir well.

Add beef stock and bring to a slight boil.  Put the lid on and reduce heat.  Cook for about 30 minutes.  Then, add in milk a little at a time and check seasoning.  Bring to a light boil and remove from heat.  Leave aside.

Bechamel Sauce

30 g butter
2 tbsp (level) plain flour
250 ml fresh milk
salt & pepper to taste

Heat butter in a pot over medium heat.  Add in flour and whisk until well blended.  Let simmer for one minute.  Then, remove pot from heat.  Add in fresh milk and whisk until mixture is well mixed.  Return to stove and cook until sauce thickens.  Check seasoning.  Remove from heat and leave aside.

Butter a casserole dish (21 cm x 18 cm x 8 cm high).  Add cooked pasta to bolognese sauce and mix well.  Then, add in bechamel sauce and mix thoroughly.  Transfer pasta mixture to casserole dish and sprinkle 2 tbsp of freshly grated parmesan cheese over top.  Then, bake in a preheated fan oven at 180° C for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Serve warm.

Note:  If this recipe is doubled, use a 30 cm x 20 cm x 8 cm high casserole dish.

Storage:  This dish can be prepared a day before and stored covered in the fridge up to a day.  To freeze, prepare dish and leave to cool completely after baking.  Store covered in freezer up to 3 weeks.  To thaw, leave in fridge overnight before heating up!

Bon Appetit!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Turkey Goulash (Putengulasch) served with Spätzle

Spätzle is a Swabian noodle delicacy in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.  The dough is made of flour, eggs, a pinch of salt and water.  Traditionally, Spätzle is prepared by scraping dough off a "Spätzlebrett" (a wooden board) directly into boiling salt water.  One can either use a potato presser instead.  There are various kinds of Spätzle i.e. Käsespätzle (cheese), Kräuterspätzle (herbs), Leberspätzle (liver), etc.  This time, I am serving Spätzle with a simple Turkey Goulash.

Ingredients for Spätzle (serves 4 persons):
500 g plain flour
5 eggs
a pinch of salt
1/8 to 1/4 litre water (the amount of water needed depends on the size of the eggs)

Mix all ingredients together either by using your hand or a wooden spoon.  The dough consistency should be soft and elastic.  Beat the dough until bubbles start to appear on the surface.  This will take about 10 to 15 minutes.  Leave dough to rest for about 15 minutes.

Bring a pot of water to a light boil.  Add a little cooking oil and salt.  Place a bowl containing ice cold water on the side.  Get your potato presser ready.  (Note:  I am using my Spätzleria from Tupperware.  Various Spätzlebrett can be found on this link.)

Fill your potato presser with dough and lightly press the dough out into the boiling water.  Let it boil slightly before removing the Spätzle into the ice cold water.  Then, remove Spätzle to a colander over a bowl to drain the water away.

Serve Spätzle with Turkey Goulash or any other gravy.

Simple Turkey Goulash (Putengulasch)

600 g turkey meat, to be cut into bite pieces
200 g big onions, to be peeled cut into cubes
1 tbsp (heaped) plain flour
1/2 litre chicken stock or white wine (optional)
400 g brown champignons, to be cleaned and quartered
ghee (Butterschmalz) or oil
salt and pepper to taste

Heat ghee in a pot over medium heat and add turkey meat.  Brown lightly on all sides and then, add in cubed onions.  Stir-fry until the onions changed colour.  Sprinkle flour and stir well.  Then, add in stock and cook until meat is tender.  This will take about 15 to 20 minutes.

Add in the quartered champignons and season to taste.  Cook for a further 10 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Sunday 6 January 2013


This Italian dessert is one of our favourites!  Most Tiramisu recipes use eggs but not in the following recipe.  It is equally delicious and suitable to be served to children.

Ingredients (for a 23 cm x 32 cm casserole dish):
750 g mascarpone
3 x 200 g packet/container fresh cream
6 tbsp sugar
1 - 2 packets sponge biscuits
1 mug Espresso
4 tbsp cocoa powder

In a bowl, mix together mascarpone, sugar and 200 g fresh cream until there are no lumps.  Whip the rest of the fresh cream until stiff.  Fold in the whipped cream into the mascarpone mixture well.

Arrange enough sponge biscuit on the base of a casserole dish.  Sprinkle espresso over them, making sure that they are not too soaked through.  Sieve 2 tbsp cocoa powder over.  Then, add half of cream mixture and spread well.

Repeat procedure.  Store Tiramisu in the fridge for about 2 to 3 hours (it is better overnight).

Before serving, sieve cocoa powder over top of Tiramisu OR use a deep round cutter to cut through and sieve cocoa powder over top before serving (see photo above).

Tip:  One can also add Amarettini.  Crushed them into crumbs and sprinkle after the cocoa powder and before the cream mixture for each layer.  Before serving, sprinkle the Amarettini crumbs on top the sieved cocoa powder.

Bon Appetit!

Fried Vegetables with Seafood

We had guests over for dinner today and I prepared Hainanese Roasted Chicken Rice with all its works upon their request.  As a side dish, I served Fried Vegetables with Seafood.  One can use any kind of vegetables i.e. celery stalks, etc.  This dish can also be served with any kind of noodles!

Ingredients (serves 4 to 6 persons):
250 g fresh prawns, to be de-veined
8 fish balls, to be sliced
2 medium-size cuttlefish

2 medium-size carrots, to be peeled and sliced diagonally
2 bundles of spring onions, to be washed and sliced diagonally into 5 cm lengths
6 baby corns, to be washed and halved
8 nappa leaves, to be washed and cut into pieces
4 dried mushrooms, to be soaked and thinly sliced
1 tbsp chopped garlic
enough hot chicken stock (from chicken rice recipe)
1 tbsp cornflour to be mixed with 2 tbsp water
salt and pepper to taste

Cut one side of cuttlefish and open it up with the inside side facing up.  Using a sharp knife, lightly make diamond cuts.  Cut into 3 cm strips and then cut the strips into 3.

Heat a little oil in a wok and stir-fry the prawns until they change colour.  Remove to a plate.  Then, add in cuttlefish and stir-fry until they are curled.  Remove to a plate.  Add in fish ball slices and stir-fry for 5 minutes before removing to a plate.

Clean wok with kitchen paper before adding oil again.  Stir-fry carrot, spring onions, dried mushrooms, baby corns and nappa leaves.  Then, add in chopped garlic.  

Add hot chicken stock and bring to a light boil.  Then, add cornflour/water mixture and mix well. Check seasoning and serve with hot rice.

Bon Appetit!

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Beef Biryani

We had guests over for lunch today and I prepared Beef Biryani complete with all its works as a surprise for the bride and bridegroom-to-be!  Fried Pappadums were also served on the side.  The recipe is the same as the Mutton Biryani recipe but this time, I used beef instead of mutton.

Beef Biryani Gravy

Ingredients (serves 4 to 6 persons):

1 kg beef, to be cut into 10 big pieces
6 - 8 medium-size onions, to be peeled and finely sliced 
4 stalks of green chillies, to be halved (optional:  deseeded)
5 big red tomatoes, to be cut into cubes
2 tbsp tomato puree
50 g joghurt
50 g cashew nuts, to be grounded (or left whole:  optional)
50 g coriander leaves, to be plucked
50 g mint leaves, to be plucked
salt to taste
cooking oil
3 tbsp ghee

Biryani Spices:

1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp aniseed
1/4 nutmeg

Note:  All the above spices to be fried in a pan without oil until fragrant.  Cool completely and grind finely.

Pounded Ingredients:

6 cloves of garlic
3 cm fresh ginger


Marinate meat with pounded ingredients and biryani spices.  Leave aside for about 10 minutes.

Heat cooking oil and ghee in a pot.  Add in onion slices and stir-fry until the colour changes to light yellow.  Add in marinated meat and cook for about 5 minutes.  Then, add in tomato puree and yoghurt. Stir well and cook further for about 5 minutes.  Add in green chillies, chopped tomatoes, cashew nuts, coriander leaves and mint leaves. Cook over low heat until meat is tender.  Note: Mutton will take at least one hour to cook whereas beef will take a bit longer.  Remove meat once tender from pot and simmer gravy until it thickens.  Once thickened, return meat to pot and cook for about 10 minutes.

Nasi Briyani (Briyani Rice)

Ingredients (serves 4 to 6):

1/2 kg basmati rice, to be washed and drained
1/2 cup evaporated milk to be mixed with 2 tbsp rose water and a little safran
1/4 cup yoghurt
1/4 cup ghee
2 medium-size onions, to be peeled and finely sliced
30 g coriander leaves, to be plucked
30 g mint leaves, to be plucked
salt to taste
a few drops of liquid yellow colouring
50 g cashew nuts
50 g raisins
fried shallots for garnishing

Pounded Ingredients:
3 cloves of garlic
3 cm fresh ginger

3 cm cinnamon stick
3 cloves
3 cardamom

Measure water according to weight of rice and set aside.

Heat ghee and add sliced onions.  Stir-fry until fragrant and then, add in the spices. Stir well and add in pounded ingredients.  Cook until fragrant.  Add in water, evaporated milk, yoghurt and salt to taste.  Let it boil gently.  Then, add in rice.  Cook until all liquid have evaporated. Stir rice well. Then, add some Biryani Gravy on one corner of rice.  Do not stir!  Sprinkle yellow colouring.  Do not stir.  Add coriander leaves, mint leaves, cashew nuts and raisins.  Cover pot and cook over very low heat for about 45 minutes to one hour or until rice is cooked.

Once rice is ready, stir gently and serve sprinkled with fried shallots.

Paceri Nenas

1 sweet pineapple, to be skinned and cut into "diamond" pieces
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 big onion, to be finely sliced
3 stalks red chillies, to be sliced finely
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp tomato ketchup
1 tbsp white vinegar
salt to taste
cooking oil

Pounded Ingredients:
1 big onion, to be sliced
2 cloves of garlic, to be sliced
1 cm fresh ginger, to be sliced
2 pcs candlenuts, to be soaked in warm water

3 cloves
2 cardamom
3 cm cinnamon stick

Boil water in a pot and add turmeric powder and a little salt.  Add in pineapple pieces and let it boil gently.  Remove pineapple pieces to a colander.

Heat oil in a pot and add in pounded ingredients and spices.  Stir-fry until the colour changes.  Then, add in tomato ketchup, sugar, vinegar and salt to taste.  Finally, add in pineapple, sliced onions and chillies.  Stir well and cook for 5 minutes.  Once done, remove from heat.

Acar Timun (Cucumber Pickle)

1 large cucumber or 2 small cucumbers, to be deseeded and cut into lengths
1 medium-size carrot, to be peeled and cut into fine sticks
2 stalks green chillies, to be halved and deseeded (optional)
2 stalks red chillies, to be halved and deseeded (optional)
10 red shallots, to be peeled and leave whole
5 cloves of garlic, to be peeled and leave whole
1/4 cup white vinegar
4 tbsp sugar
salt to taste
1 tsp black mustard seeds

Pounded Ingredients:
6 stalks red chillies, to be sliced
4 red shallots, to be sliced
3 cloves garlic, to be sliced
1 cm fresh ginger, to be sliced
4 pcs candlenuts, to be soaked in warm water
1 cm fresh turmeric
1 tbsp dried prawns, to be soaked in warm water

In a bowl, add halved green & red chillies, shallots, garlic, cucumber pieces, carrot sticks and 1 tsp salt.  Mix well and leave aside for 30 minutes.  Then, wash and drain.

Heat oil in a pot and add pounded ingredients.  Stir-fry until fragrant.  Then, add in sugar & salt to taste and vinegar.  Cook until gravy thickens.  Add in the rest of the ingredients and remove from heat.

Serve Beef Biryani as shown above!

Bon Appetit!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Kartoffelrösti mit Apfelmus (Potato Pancake served with Apple Puree)

This delicacy is normally sold at christmas markets all over Germany during Advent.  I am preparing it today on our son's request because he is crazy of it!

Ingredients (serves 2 persons):
750 g waxy potatoes (festkochende)
salt to taste
fresh cream or fresh milk
oil or ghee


Scrub potatoes clean and leave unpeeled.  In a pot, add potatoes and enough water to slightly cover potatoes.  Add a little salt and bring to boil.  Then, put the lid on and reduce heat.  Cook potatoes for about 20 minutes or until tender.  Once done, drain the water away and leave potatoes overnight. It is important to prepare the potatoes a day before.

Peel and coarsely grate potatoes into a bowl.  Add salt to taste.

Heat some oil or ghee in a small pan (about 16 cm in diameter) over medium heat.  Add half of grated potatoes to pan.  By using a flat wooden ladle, gently press the potato pancake.  Sprinkle some cream or milk on top - by doing this, the inside of your pancake will be moist instead of dry. Once the underside is brown and crispy, turn pancake over by using a plate over the pan and slide it back into the pan.  Cook until the underside is brown and crispy.

Remove to a plate and prepare the second pancake as above.  Serve pancakes with apple puree.

Apfelmus (Apple Puree)

4 big apples i.e. Cox Orange
juice from half a lemon
4 tbsp sugar

Wash apples thoroughly.  Cut into quarters and remove the "bottom roots".  Leave the skins and seeds intact - these contain Pectin which is needed to give the puree its form.

In a pot, add apples, lemon juice and sugar.  Cover pot and cook apples over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until they are soft.  Then, pass through a sieve into a bowl.  Leave aside to cool down completely.

Bon Appetit!

Minced Beef Curry Pie

Wishing you a Happy New Year!  Do have a blessed 2013!  May all your wishes and dreams come true!

To kick off the new year, this is the simple way of preparing beef curry puff.  Instead of making them individually, I just put everything in a casserole dish.  I got this idea from a lady friend who is also a good cook!

500 g minced beef
5 - 6 large potatoes, to be peeled and cut into cubes
1 large onion, to be cut in cubes
3 tbsp meat curry powder, to be mixed with a little water to form a paste
salt to taste
2 rolls of puff pastry
egg yolk for glaze

Heat a little oil in a pot and add onion cubes. Stir-fry until translucent. Then, add minced beef and stir-fry until it changes colour.

Add in curry paste and stir-fry for about 5 minutes. Then, add in potato cubes and stir well. Cover pot and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes or until potatoes are almost cooked. Check seasoning.

Butter a casserole dish and place a roll or a big sheet of puff pastry to cover the base and sides. Add minced meat filling and spread well. Cover with the remaining roll of puff pastry, making sure the sides are sealed by folding them over the top pastry. Brush top with egg yolk and make a few holes by using a fork. Bake in a preheated fan oven at 180° C for about half an hour or until the top is golden brown.

Bon Appetit!