
Household Tips


Dryer takes longer to dry clothes
If your dryer seems to take longer to dry your clothes than normal, remove the screen filter and clean both sides with an old soft toothbrush.  Rinse and dry thoroughly before inserting back into the dryer.


Re-opening envelopes
If you have sealed an envelope and realised that you have forgotten to include something, just place it in the freezer for an hour or two.  The envelope will unseal without trace.


How to get rid of fruit flies?
During summer, fruit flies are really a nuisance!  I have tried a lot of tricks to get rid of them but to no avail.  Finally, I have found a new way to get rid of them.

Slice half an unpeeled banana into a small container.  Cover top with cling film and poke a small hole in the centre, just enough for the flies to enter the container.  In no time, you will find them trapped. Make sure that you change the contents of container every 3 days.


How to make ironing easier?
Place a sheet of aluminium foil under the ironing board's cover to reflect heat.


How to freshen up pillows?
Tumble dry pillows in the dryer for about 15 minutes once a week.  This will help to get rid of dust mites.


How to organise your remote controls?
Just place a decorative basket to put them in.


How to have soap scum-free shower cubicles?
After a shower, quickly rinse the doors & tiles.  This will help prevent the build-up of soap sum.

How to get rid of scratches on wooden furniture?
Rub a walnut on the affected area.

How to get rid of lingering smell in the kitchen?
Just bake orange peels in the oven for about 15 to 20 minutes

How to get rid of mouldy smells on your towels?
Wash them with a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.  They will have a fresh smell afterwards.

How to prevent the build-up of soap scum on the door of your shower?
Give the doors and tiles a quick rinse after a shower.


How to keep your windows frost free during winter?
Pour a cup of salt into a litre of water.  Wipe the inside of your window and wipe dry.

How to keep your wrapping paper from unrolling?
Cut open toilet paper rolls and use them as a cuff for your wapping paper.

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