
Wednesday 26 December 2012

Berner Haselnuss-Leckerli

Normally, honey is used in making Leckerli cookies.  But this recipe only uses sugar and the taste is equally good!

Ingredients (yields 80 pieces):
300 g gound hazelnuts
200 g ground almonds
50 g candied orange peel, to be finely chopped
50 g candied lemon peel, to be finely chopped
300 g sugar
3 egg whites
2 tbsp rum

10 tbsp sugar powder
1-2 tbsp lemon juice


Knead ground hazelnuts, ground almonds, both peels, sugar, egg whites and rum to a pliable dough. Form dough into a ball and pack it with cling film.  Store in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Preheat oven to 200º C (fan oven: 180º C).  Roll out dough between two cling films to a thickness of 7 mm.  Remove top film carefully and cut dough with a zig-zag knife into 2x4 cm rectangles or use a square cutter.  Place squares on a baking tray which is lined with baking paper.  Bake in oven for 6-8 minutes.

For the glace:  Mix sugar powder and lemon juice together to a smooth mixture.  Pour into a small piping bag and pipe out little grids on the surfaces of the hot biscuits.  Leave to cool before storing in airtight containers.

Happy Baking!

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