
Sunday 25 October 2015

Tafelspitz served with Bouillon-Vegetables

A classic Austrian dish where the beef or veal meat is marinated with various vegetables for at least 24 hours.  I roasted the onion halves before adding them to the marinade in order that the bouillon achieves its intense colour when cooked.  In the following recipe, I used veal meat and gently cooked it along with its marinade at a temperature of not more than 80° C over low heat.  Cooking time depends on the quantity of meat.  Generally, 1 kg meat will take about 2 hours to be cooked gently. Using some of the bouillon, I cooked the cubed vegetables which were then topped up with cold butter and chopped parsley.  The balance of bouillon can be freezed for later use.  Tafelspitz may also be served with Apfel-Rotkohl (Apple & Red Cabbage) and Meerettichsauce (Horseradish Sauce).

Ingredients (serves 4):
1.2 kg Tafelspitz (beef or veal rump in one piece)

2 medium-size onions
1 small Petersilienwurzel (parsley root), to be peeled & cut into cubes
1/2 root Knollensellerie (celeriac), to be peeled & cut into cubes
1 stalk celery, to be coarsely sliced
1 pc carrot, to be peeled & cubed
1 pip garlic, to be peeled and sliced
2 medium-size red tomatoes, to be quartered
a handful of Kerbel (chervil), to be coarsely chopped or 1 tsp dried chervil
a generous pinch of dried Majoran (marjoram)
a generous pinch of dried Liebstöckel (lovage)
2 dried bay leaves
1 tbsp white peppercorns
1 litre water

1 tsp salt
1 litre water (extra)


Cut onions into halves and roast in a small pan with the cut side down over medium heat until dark brown.

Remove fat from meat and add to a medium-size plastic bowl.  Add the rest of ingredients and cover bowl with cling film.  Store bowl in the fridge for at least 24 hours.

The next day, add meat along with its marinade in a large pot.  Add another 1 litre of water and 1 tbsp salt.  Bring to a simmer (at a temperature of 80° C) over medium heat.  Once the required temperature is achieved, adjust heat and simmer with the pot 3/4 covered with its lid for about two and a half hours. You need to skim the bouillon regularly in order that the liquid becomes clear.

Once done, transfer meat from pot to a strainer.  Then, slice meat into preferred thickness just before serving.


600 g potatoes, to be peeled & coarsely cubed
1/2 root Knollensellerie (celeriac), to be peeled & coarsely cubed
180 g carrots, to be peeled & coarsely cubed
a handful of fresh parsley, to be finely chopped
20 g cold butter
salt & ground white pepper to taste

In a medium-size pot, add cubed potatoes, celeriac and carrots.  Then, pour bouillon to just cover the vegetables and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer over low/medium heat for 15 minutes.  You may notice that the bouillon has slightly evaporated.  To round the dish off, add cold butter and chopped parsley.  Check seasoning before serving!

Mix well and serve hot together with Tafelspitz, Apfel-Rotkohl and Meerettichsauce!

Bon Appetit!

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